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Shadchanim in Crown Heights and the Rest of Brooklyn

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Numbers in the ☆ column indicate how many singles have recommended each Shadchan.

Name Location Speciality Fees
ShluchimMatch Shadchanim:
381 Silver: 15+ Successful Shidduchim Mrs. Shandel Malka Blasberg Brooklyn, New York, U.S. A shadchan/coach w/ a warm, personal & insightful approach
149 Mrs. Rochel Bryski Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Shidduchim with chabad singles
86 Mrs. Elka Ezagui Crown Heights, New York, U.S.
66 Dr. Elka Pinson Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Shidduch Coach/Relationship Counseling
26 Mrs. Chava Richler Brooklyn NY, New York, U.S.
56 Mrs. Rivkah Torenheim Crown Heights Brooklyn, New York, U.S. FFB and BT of all ages
6 Mrs. Sarah Yarmush Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
ChabadMatch Shadchanim:
11 Mrs. Chana Alperowics Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Helping set up people
2 Mr. Asher Berkovich Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Bal Teshuvah
2 Mrs. Esther Carbonera brooklyn, New York, U.S. Passionate about helping russian-speaking BT
66 Mrs. Chaya C. Cohen Brooklyn, New York, U.S. I have a passion to match Kohanim.
16 Rebbetzin Chaya Eliav Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
101 Mrs. Gitel Chaya Fogel Brooklyn, New York, U.S. General Chabad Shidduchim
29 Mrs. Mashi greenberg brooklyn, New York, U.S. lot of personal attention and coaching
25 Mrs. Sheindel Levertov Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Only Chabad Singles
83 Mrs. Miriam Lipchik Brooklyn, NY, U.S. shiduchim for baalei teshuva
33 Mrs. Faige Lobel Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
54 Mrs. Yael Michelashvili Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
97 Bronze: 5+ Successful Shidduchim Mrs. Chani Raksin Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Many shiduchim-personalized service. email
33 Mrs. sara leah rubinstein brooklyn, New York, U.S. Coaching. Matching. Special Needs
17 Chana Shloush Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Chabad English-speaking singles
85 Mrs. Sara Shollar Brooklyn, New York, U.S. 25+ years experience
5 Mr. Michael Yaroslavsky Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Anyone between the ages of 18 - 30.
72 Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Many Shidduchim

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